This is an offbeat and adventurous movie that follows the experiences of a young girl. Going along with her family on a picnic, she and her family encounter a tragic accident. Frightened and alone, the little girl gets separated from her family and is lost in the forest, forced to come into contact with wildlife. Will the child managed to stay alive till the police rescues her?
Movie:- Aur Ek Yodha (Raaj-The Showman)
Starcast:- Puneeth Rajkumar, Nisha Kothari, Rekha Vedavyas
Directed by:- V. Harikrishna
Music by:- Prem
This is an offbeat and adventurous movie that follows the experiences of a young girl. Going along with her family on a picnic, she and her family encounter a tragic accident. Frightened and alone, the little girl gets separated from her family and is lost in the forest, forced to come into contact with wildlife. Will the child managed to stay alive till the police rescues her?
Movie:- Aur Ek Yodha (Raaj-The Showman)
Starcast:- Puneeth Rajkumar, Nisha Kothari, Rekha Vedavyas
Directed by:- V. Harikrishna
Music by:- Prem
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