Bholi Bhali Ladki is a Adult hindi movie, directed by K. Shivram, starring Aman Sagar, Preeti Patil, Robin Ghai, Sanjivani Gupta along with others.
Bholi Bhali Ladki Synopsis: Dev along with his friends go for a holiday to the hills, where he meets Gunja & slowly their meetings develop into love. Renuka ,Devs childhood friend is jealous, because from childhood she has dreamt of marrying him. In a fit of anger Renuka wants to destroy their love & so she takes the help of Gunjas fiancee Jagga. Before they could succeed Gunjas elder brother Manga, tells them all their plans.
Star Cast:Sanjeevani Gupta,Hemant Birje, Robin Ghai, Raza Murad,
Yunus Parvez,Preeti Patel, Aman Sagar,Birbal,Sudhir,Anil Nagrath,Hyder Kazmi,
Director: K.ShivRam Producer:Robin Ghai
Genres: Thriller,Social
Music:Suman,Sudeep Lyricist:Shyam Raj,Sandeep Nath
Singers:Jasbinder Narula,Pamela Jain,Nayan Rathod
Release Date: 1 January 2001 (India)