M3 - Midsummer Midnight Mumbai is a musical-thriller film produced by Gudnet Production. The film stars Sara Khan alongside newcomers Pooja Thakur and Paras Chhabra as well as supporting roles Milind Gunaji, Kiran Kumar, Pramod Moutho, Mushtaq Khan and Raju Kher.
In the middle of the night, a man walks into a police station to report his own murder. The cops not only find the complainant's dead body but also receive phone calls from him, checking on the investigation!
Movie : M3 - Midsummer Midnight Mumbai
Cast : Sara Khan, Paras Chhabra, Milind Gunaji, Raju Kher, Kiran Kumar etc.
Singer : Udit Narayan, Shaan, Javed Ali, Md. Salamat, Keshav, Abhilasha
Lyrics : Amitabh Ranjan, Sujeet Chaubey, Ahmad Hasan Siddiqui, Hina R. Khan
Music : Dushyant Kumar, Sujeet Chaubey, Afroz Khan
Director : Braj Bhushan
Producer : Produced by Gudnet Film & Acting Institute
Music on : SRK MUSIC