The film revolved around Subash, an NRI who is challenged by his fiance who is completely modern in outlook to change India. Rest of the film shows how Subash tries to bring change in Indian country.
Movie:- Rowdy Leader 2 (Super)
Starcast:- Upendra, Nayanthara, Tulip Joshi, Jeeva
Directed by:- Upendra
Music by:- V. Harikrishna
The film revolved around Subash, an NRI who is challenged by his fiance who is completely modern in outlook to change India. Rest of the film shows how Subash tries to bring change in Indian country.
Movie:- Rowdy Leader 2 (Super)
Starcast:- Upendra, Nayanthara, Tulip Joshi, Jeeva
Directed by:- Upendra
Music by:- V. Harikrishna