The Story : TDobra Maine Pyar Kiya, a small budget Hindi movie, tells the tale of a 15-year-old Sunny (Amin Gazi), a motherless child of a business tycoon, Mohan Shanbagh (Ayub Khan), who is obsessed with a 25-year-old Payal (Payal Rohatgi). This is all due to the environment of Sunny in his school. The Sex Crazy headmaster Mr. Gomes (Laxmikant Berde) who is playing sex with the lady teachers and at home the Casanova Father involved in love game with his secretary Sophia (Rashi Tyagi); this makes Sunny crazy about sex in his tender age. -----------
Movie : Dobra Maine Pyar Kiya Bhojpuri Movie 2017
Starrring : Monalisa, Payal Rohatgi, Amn Gazi, Rocky Sandhu
Produced : Mahinder Dhariwal
Directed : T.L.V. Prasad